Thursday, April 14, 2011

Well I Never Want To Do That Again

When one thinks of San Francisco, chances are one of the first things that comes to mind are the old cable cars. I had read about how to ride the cable cars in my trusty Time Out guidebook. Basically the book said, "You are out of your mind if you want to attempt to ride the cable cars, but if you do here is what we recommend...".

I put off riding the cable car all week, and finally on my last day I gave in and bought my ticket. Basically what it comes down to is this: the cars are small and you are packed in like sardines, the ride itself is very jarring and unpleasant (same goes for those who operate the car), it takes forever to actually get your chance to board because every tourist who comes to San Francisco is going to wait in the line to ride, and finally the ride only takes you from Union Square to Fisherman's Wharf. There are other far more pleasing and efficient ways to make this journey, but I guess that is not the point!

I will admit that it felt like we were all going to die when the cable car went up and down the infamous hills of San Francisco. That was by far the best part of the ride.

Well at least I now have something I can officially cross off of my list of things to do in San Francisco!

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