Tuesday, April 12, 2011

No Culture For Me

Keeping with the theme of not getting any culture from San Francisco, neither the San Francisco Symphony nor the Opera had any performances during the week that I was there. Admittedly it was in the summer and most symphonies and opera companies do not perform during the summer. Oh well, it was probably for the best. I did, of course, go take pictures of the buildings that they perform in though.

As I was walking around the War Memorial Opera House, I noticed a sign on the door which said that they offered tours of the Opera House. So I went inside, and sure enough was able to go on a tour. There was a rehearsal on the stage that day so I was only able to take pictures of the lobby, but I'll take what I can get!

After seeing the Opera House, I walked down the block to the Symphony Hall. Alas there was no sign on the door offering tours of Symphony Hall!

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