Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A Trip To Castle Rock

Matt, our bass player, was the only other laid off musician who came out to San Francisco like me. In discussing our plans, we discovered that both of had ideas for things to do that the other was intersted in so we decided to have a little road trip.

Matt really enjoys rock climbing, and so for his half of the trip we went to Castle Rock State Park. I on the other hand do not enjoy rock climbing, but I do enjoy nature so I went to take pictures.

The park was up in the Santa Cruz mountains and there were many great places to pull over and admire the view.

I don't think that the above is actually Castle Rock, but Matt was obsessed with the rock so that is where we spent our time.

What a view!

After climbing on his rock for the afternoon, Matt and I hopped back in the car and finished our drive down to Santa Cruz for my part of the roadtrip.

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