Thursday, April 21, 2011

Jetting Down To Long Beach

After my whirlwind visit to San Francisco, I flew down to Long Beach to hang out with my friend and former Nappanee roommate Scott.

When I moved out of the apartment in Nappanee, Scott also moved out and headed west to Long Beach. Scott's sister Nancy and her partner Deb live in Long Beach, and during the years that Scott and I lived in Nappanee they came out to visit us many times. Their visits were always a rollicking good time, so I was excited to be able to visit all three.

It also happened that Scott's birthday happened during my visit. So to celebrate, their friend Rick took all of out for brunch on the Queen Mary.

The Queen Mary is a former ocean liner that had its maiden voyage in 1936, and was permanently moored in Long Beach after being retired. It is now a tourist attraction with a hotel, tours of the ship and a weekend brunch. The brunch was very tasty and afterwards we explored the ship. I brought my camera and took a bunch of pictures!

Complete and utter anarchy!!!! (Actually the bartender wanted us to play the piano.)

It is a man's uniform after all?!

The next day we headed out to The Pike which is a former boardwalk turned into an entertainment and retail district. We started off at the Aquarium of the Pacific (which I will come to later), and then walked around ending up with a ride on the Ferris Wheel.

Here is a shot of the Queen Mary from the Ferris Wheel. Notice the much more modern yet seemingly smaller Carnival Cruise Ship to the left.

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