Friday, January 1, 2010

Perhaps An Intervention Is In Order

So I enjoy eating salty snack chips. I freely admit to it, and my figure freely demonstrates it. Now one of my favorite things to do in foreign countries is to peruse the different flavors and varieties of snack chips. Some are really good, but others...well (really England paprika flavored Pringles, really?!). There are some different flavors here in Canada, and I decided to pick up the "Scream Cheese" flavored Doritos.

Imagine my dismay when I noticed on the back of the bag my name written in amongst a bunch of French. Now I don't speak French, but I think it is almost better to not know what it says. I really don't need the French Canadians telling me I eat too many Doritos!

Oh and the Scream Cheese flavor is just okay.

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