Friday, January 8, 2010

All I Owe I Do Not Owe I O W A

Next up was Ames, IA. Ames represents a good example of the dilemma I face with one nighters. The dilemma is: "Should I take the early bus to the theatre with the advance team and explore around the theatre or just stay at the hotel?" Sometimes there is actually something to do around the hotel, but more often than not my laziness sets in and I sit doing nothing at the hotel. In Ames I decided to just wait for the later bus, and of course once I got to the theatre I regretted my decision. This is not to say that the theatre or anything around it was amazing, but now that it is winter taking outdoor pictures is much harder. By the time we got to the theatre for an evening show the sun had gone down and it was very dark outside. That was the case in Ames so I really only got a few pictures. Here they are:

The other dilemma I face on one nighters is how long to linger before getting on the bus after the show. I sometimes wait to take pictures until afterwards, but the problem is that I run the risk of being left behind by the bus. They say that the bus leaves 30 minutes after the curtain comes down. This is mostly to allow the woman who plays the Wicked Witch to get out of makeup. Why it takes that long is a mystery to all of us, but supposedly it does. So here in Ames I walked around a bit after the show and took the second picture in this post. I was actually trying to find the front of the building, but since it was a big complex of building I decided that there was no real "front" of the building, and that I should just get to the bus. Imagine my dismay when the bus pulled out and drove around the other side of the building from where I had been. There was the front of the theatre, and it was pretty cool! Damnation! And as of now, Ames is not on the schedule for Beauty and the Beast. Alas!

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