Friday, January 8, 2010

Hitting The Orpheum Circuit

After our night in Davenport, we continued our tour of Iowa with a stop in Sioux City. Just like in Davenport we only had one day in town, but unlike Davenport our hotel was not in Downtown Sioux City. We were staying several miles away from the theatre so I did not get a chance to take pictures during daylight hours, but the trade off was that I got to eat dinner at a Culver's. Sometimes it is the little things.

This was the first Orpheum Theatre that I have played. The Orpheum Theatres were a part of the Orpheum vaudeville circuit back in the day. Of the 45 theatres in The Orpheum Circuit there are currently only 15 still operating. The Sioux City Orpheum is actually a really beautiful theatre that was just recently renovated. If only my pictures were really beautiful. Thankfully I will have a chance to retry my picture taking in March when I return with Beauty and the Beast.

The above picture is really the only one I took that comes close to giving a good representation of the golds, reds, and greys of the Orpheum.

Aside from an accident on the interstate which caused us to be late to sound check and the smell of manure around our hotel (which some of the actors had never had the joy of experiencing!) there really was nothing exceptional about our day in Sioux City. Well okay eating at Culver's maybe counts as being exceptional in what currently passes as my life!

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