Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Owensboro, KY

Creeping ever closer to our Christmas break, we followed up our one nighter in Evansville with another one nighter this time in Owensboro, KY. And since we had a great hotel rate and were in such a good location, the company manager decided that we would spend the night again in Evansville after our performance in Owensboro. The drive was less than an hour so it really was not so bad. Sadly I am starting to feel like a broken record with these posts: it was dark when we got there, my pictures did not turn out so well, nothing interesting happened. It is no wonder that nobody comments on my blog anymore! But thus it was with Owensboro.

Well I might have had an interesting story if I had been able to go to the little winter carnival right next the theatre. I mean they had a Scooby Doo fun house after all!

Somebody fire that photographer!

The retractable curtain intrigued me.

I don't always take picture on the stage for a couple of reasons. Firstly I don't want to be taking pictures of people who do not want to be in my pictures such as the actors or crew. Secondly I do not always get the chance to go into the house to take a picture of the stage. But as often as not, the proscenium around the stage is not interesting so therefore not worthy of a photo. This one was!

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