Monday, January 4, 2010

Mississauga... M i s s i s s, umm, a u g a... Mississauga

So to me Mississauga sounds like the final word in a spelling bee (Okay little Jimmy your word is Mississauga), but that is where we are playing nonetheless. I really did not know much about Mississauga except that one has to drive through it go get to Toronto from the Detroit crossing. Well having spent a couple of days there, it feels like a suburb, but in a good way. There are plenty of places to shop, restaurants, and things to do (I think that there are three cinemas). In fact it makes me wish I had a car to drive around and explore.

City Hall with a rather odd lighthouse looking clock tower?!

Ah Canadian suburbia.

The Living Arts Centre is a beautiful modern structure with a couple of different performance spaces. It did make me wonder though, "Is there such a thing as The Dead Arts?!"

It terms of touring venues, the Hammerson Hall was a bit small compared to what we normally play. In fact the presenter went so far as to raise the elevator half of the pit and place seats on it. The thought was they could sell more seats that way. Sadly I don't think that we came close to selling out for any of our four performances.

On the plus side, they enclosed the back half of the pit where we were playing. That meant we did not have to dress in our black clothes, and we could actually read during the Cyclone!

It also meant that Nate could wear a spare Jitterbug wig for the last half of Act II.

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