Saturday, January 12, 2013

Let's Talk About Your Big But, Simone

Sometimes when you realize one of your life's dreams, it turns out to be not quite what you hoped.  Thus was the case with the Cabazon Dinosaurs, or as they should be known The Pee Wee Herman Dinosaurs. 

I learned a few years ago that the dinosaurs which figure so prominently in the movie Pee Wee's Big Adventure are in fact real and are located in Cabazon, CA.  With so much free time and the fact that they are located on the way from Los Angeles to Joshua Tree National Park everything would seem to be ideal...

or would it?!  Sadly the Pee Wee dinosaurs are owned by a group of creationists and their is a big creationism museum also on the site.  Now I am willing to accept that people are free to be religious, but when a group so obviously twists scientific fact to try to prove their religious beliefs then I do not want to support them.  And that meant not buying anything in their gift shop.  Such a shame!  At least I was able to take pictures with little affect on my conscience.

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