Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Goodbye LA, See Ya Real Soon!

It seems appropriate to bookend my posts about LA with my final (Day 4) post from Disneyland.  I had a great time exploring Disneyland and especially California Adventure.  It is actually quite fun to go through these pictures months later since I know that so much has changed, and much of what is in my photos is no longer there!

Yep, The Golden Gate Bridge and the Hollywood sign and elephants are no longer there.

I just do not understand the whole dance party in California Adventure thing, but then I guess I am not the target demographic.  I did walk through ElecTRONica once.  It seemed like it would be fun if you were into that sort of thing.

Later in the day I would come to bitterly hate this scrim on the Emporium.

It is funny because in Disneyland the Main Street Cinema is actually a cinema.  They show old Mickey Mouse shorts there!

That was a different time!

Stupid bird ruined the effect of all the miniatures!

I decided to get a good spot for World of Color this night...

so I waited...

for a long time!!

See now why I hate that scrim!!

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