Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Huge Pair Of Legs...Again

And of course, my favorite Amarillo attraction: the huge pair of legs!


Palo Duro Canyon...Again

After visiting the cadillacs, we headed down to Palo Duro Canyon. Sadly we did not have the time to hike like we did before, but in the end my group was not comprised of big hikers so that was okay.

Cadillac Ranch...Again

Just to make the week of deja vu complete, I recreated the excursion that I took when I visited Amarillo the first time. I rounded up Gregg, Jeremy, and Sabina and we headed first to The Cadillac Ranch. You've seen it before so I won't go into detail, but it was just as kitschy and fun the second time around!

Unlike my previous visit, we really had to scrounge to find any paint cans that still had paint. It looks like someone had recently cleaned the site up. How dare they!

That's a lot of paint!

You can't really read it, but I painted BTB.