Thursday, November 11, 2010


Our last day in Maui was much like the day before. Jeremy and I both decided on an activity that nobody else was interested in doing. At the beginning of the week, we had gone into a tourist shop and we saw a pamphlet for ziplining. After reading the pamphlet, I knew then that I had to give it a try. Neither Jeremy nor I had ziplined before which made it all the more exciting. Basically ziplining comes down to strapping yourself into a harness with a metal pulley that attaches to a metal wire stretched out across a downward sloping course. The ziplines that we chose to do were in Ka'anapali just south of where we were staying. It would be fair to say that we were both a bit nervous about the experience when we began, but by the end neither of us wanted to leave. Thankfully they let you bring cameras along for the ride, so I strapped my waterproof camcorder on to my wrist to get some photos and videos. I also gave it to Jeremy so that he could take some photos of me in action.

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