Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Ghost Tour (Well At Least I Did Not Pay!)

I ended my week in Nashville with a group outing to take a ghost tour. Now originally I did not plan to take the ghost tour. It was pretty pricey, and a ghost tour sounded like it could be really hit or miss. Well as it turned out someone who had already paid to take the tour decided not to go so I took the open spot. Thankfully they would not take the money because the tour was so lame! The most interesting part was riding around Nashville in an open air hearse. Basically the tour consisted of being driven around to various places where there have been murders over the years or places where there are supposed hauntings and being told about them. We never got to get out of the hearse and actually walk around these places. Lame! The best part of the tour was the end when the driver dropped us off at The Flying Saucer!

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