Monday, August 30, 2010

Time To Hit The Locker Rooms

Having played Tallahassee with The Wizard of Oz, I knew what we were in for. And if you read my post from then, then you know what we were in for (with two exceptions).

Once again we were in the basketball arena.

The first difference from my Wizard experience is that we actually played two performances. Tallahassee is mostly a one nighter sort of town.

The other difference is that the pit was in a remote location, or in other words not in front of the stage. On Wizard we were in front of the stage and it was a most uncomfortable two and a half hours. Because it is an arena obviously there is no actual orchestra pit so we are on the same level as the majority of the audience. Therefore they have to look through the drummer's plexiglass shield, the top of the bass, and our heads to see the stage. Being remoted is nice because not only does it solve those problems, we do not have to change into our black clothes (in the locker room)!

Sadly the actors still needed to see Carolyn's conducting, so she had to sit out front. We then watched video monitors to see her conducting.

Then of course there was the party, and it was every bit as nice as Wizard's opening night party. In fact I recognized the crazy old ladies from last time who pointed out that Cassie (Dorothy) only broke character 4 times in the show that night! Classic!!

"The Picture" or a photographic essay into my weight gain.

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