Monday, August 30, 2010

Seeing Tallahasee

I was glad to have the chance to return to Tallahassee with Beauty and the Beast having been there once to visit a friend and once with The Wizard of Oz. On both previous trips I was not in town long enough to be able to get out and explore much. Since Beauty was in town for two days, I went in to the theatre early on the second day so that I could take my camera and walk around town.

There is not that much to Tallahassee. Aside from the State Capital and Florida State University, I did not really find much of interest to photograph.

Florida's State Capital Building is a prime example of why newer is not necessarily better. The old capital building is still standing, and it is a charming building with nice awnings over the windows.

The new building seems to have been transplanted in Florida straight from Communist East Berlin. It is so sterile and functional that it reminds me of the remaining Communist buildings that I saw during my visit to Berlin.

The dolphins do not really help matters much! Nor does the fact that the beautiful Supreme Court building is right across the street!

I did get the chance to walk around the Florida State Campus for a short time. There are some nice buildings, and I of course had to walk past the music building!

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