Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Columbia, This Time WIthout A Cold

Sometimes I find my blog entries getting very repetitive. I am not sure what to do about that. Touring can be very repetitive. Oh well here goes. Ditto what I said about Augusta: More performances = more time to explore. I was also better able to take advantage of my free time as I had a cold the other time that I was in Columbia.

I try to do research about the various places we visit if for no other reason than something intersting may be right under my nose so to speak. It happened in Tallahassee with the state capital building, and the same thing happened here in Columbia. The South Carolina Capital is just a couple of blocks away from the theatre in Columbia, and I had no idea on my first visit!

As capital buildings go, South Carolina's is not as grand as others (Connecticut for example), but it certainly is not as hideous as Florida's modern monstrosity!

Of course there is a statue of a palmetto tree right next to the capital building. (As is the real palmettos all around the building were not enough!)

The University of South Carolina home of the Game Cocks (and a rather uninteresting campus).

Theatre and Union on campus

The Koger Center? Well it's red.

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