Friday, June 11, 2010

A Quick Trip To Traverse City

Even though my unexpected break from tour was quickly coming to an end, I took a quick trip up to Traverse City, MI. For a few years now, Traverse City has been my ski getaway since it is centrally located between 3 or 4 ski resorts. (Well as much as Michigan can have a ski resort!) Because of my recent stretch of tours, I have sadly not been able to get away like I used to, and it is especially sad since my friend Lauren moved to Traverse City. The winter that I got The Wedding Singer, I did get a chance to visit Lauren and her husband Nate before uprooting my life. In the years since they have bought a new house, and they just had a baby. Well I just couldn't stay away even if I only had two days!

This is Rhys...

and like all babies, he wasn't too keen on me!

The Traverse City area is full of little wineries. With the family get together for my Grandmother, I decided to buy a bottle of wine for everyone. Imagine my surprise and amusement when I saw that Chateau Grand Traverse had a bottle called Ship of Fools. Needless to say, I chose that as the most appropriate wine for the family.

Sadly it was not a very good wine. Oh well!

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