Friday, June 11, 2010

Jekyll and Hyde

Photography sucks! Just in case anyone is wondering, it just plain sucks. As much as I like to take pictures, especially of theatres, photography can be very frustrating. (The most frustrating subject that I have tried to photograph so far is birds! Stupid birds!! They won't ever sit still.) Take the pictures below for example. These are taken using two different settings on my new camera. Neither picture exactly captures the colors and light in the Sioux City Orpheum as seen by the naked eye. The darker ones come close, but are well too dark. I have tried to use Photoshop to lighten the pictures, but then it starts to make the pictures grainy and the colors distort. If you want an example of that look at the pictures in the post below. Some of them have been tinkered with. The lighter ones are too bright, but the colors are closer to being right. So I am left with a dilemma. How do I reconcile the difference? Well I just take as many pictures as possible with as many different settings as possible!

In the end I have chosen to go with the darker pictures for the blog. I would have preferred to go with the lighter pictures, but sadly the majority of my pictures were of the darker variety. It is hard to get really bright pictures like the two here without a really strong flash, especially when standing at the top of the balcony! Which reminds me, I need to go out and get a better flash!!!


Max said...

You have to bump up the ISO and have a slower shutter speed. The flash will always flush out the colors and is only generally good for about 50 feet anyways. Just use a tripod so it doesn't blur, but that's the best way. If you want accurate color, don't use flash!

Ryan Claus said...

I'm slowly starting to learn. There just needs to be a button that does all of that for me!!