Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Auditorium Theatre

I am rather obsessed with theatres. I enjoy seeing shows in them, I enjoy playing shows in them, and (depending on the results) I enjoy taking pictures in them. One of my personal favorite theatres is the Auditorium Theatre in Chicago. It is where I first saw The Phantom of the Opera which incidentally is the show that got me hooked on musical theatre and is the reason I am sitting here typing this. Since I had some free time on my hands, I decided to take the public tour of the Auditorium Theatre. Here are some of my pictures:

Here is the theatre from the orchestra level.

Here is the theatre from the first balcony.

Here is the theatre from the second balcony.

Apparently these are original seats from when the theatre was built in 1889.

This is the view from the third balcony. (They don't usually sell these seats)

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