Thursday, December 17, 2009


Speaking of Pennsylvania towns that are a miss, our next stop was Wilkes-Barre. Admittedly I had a much better time in Wilkes-Barre than in Indiana, but it just seems like everything that I enjoyed about our time in Wilkes-Barre had some qualification to it.
Firstly our hotel was right across the street from the theatre. Unfortunately our hotel room was the moldiest room I have ever had the misfortune to enter. I would say that within 5 minutes of being in the room I had a splitting headache. Thankfully they did let us switch rooms because otherwise that room would have been the death of me!
The theatre itself felt like another school auditorium, and the dressing room was a nightmare. Now I realize that dressers are at the theatre to do their job, but when the all of the male actors and eight musicians are packed into a tiny dressing room the last thing I want to deal with is dressers bumping into me while I dress. It made me so angry!
There is really nothing to do in the downtown area. They have a nice new riverwalk, but it does not lead anywhere nor is the river particularly pretty.
The one truly great experience I had was eating at the Thai restaurant. Now I love Thai food, and have eaten it in many different cities and even countries so I have rather high standards. Therefore when I say that the drunken noodles I ordered were some of the best I have ever eaten that means something. But in keeping with the tone of my Wilkes-Barre visit as I was leaving the restaurant, I stopped to compliment the proprietress. Her response was, "Oh well then come back." Really no thank you?! As they say, "When in Wilkes-Barre..."

One of my Black Friday purchases this year was the Photo Shop Elements program. So when you look at the above and below pictures and comment on how bad they are just think of what they looked like before I fixed them up in Photo Shop! Stupid crappy camera!

Is the yellow caution tape really necessary?

Interestingly as plain as the house is, the lobby is not. I am starting to make sure that I head out into the lobby whenever possible. The lobby is sometimes more pretty than the theatre itself, as is the case here!

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