Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas Around The Country

To say that I enjoy Christmas decorations would be a huge understatement. To say this would only add insult to injury given the section of my parent's basement which houses my four Christmas trees and ornaments. To make matters even worse, I have not had anywhere to put up those trees for the last two Christmas seasons, but I digress after all I chose to do the touring thing! Anyway, I have enjoyed the last two years getting to see how various towns decorate for Christmas, and here are some highlights:
Wilkes-Barre, PA

Binghamton, NY

Elmyra, NY

New Orleans, LA

Baton Rouge, LA

It took me several attempts to get this picture!

Knoxville, TN

Owensboro, KY

They had a little winter carnival thing right by the theatre. Sadly, I did not get to go to the Scooby Doo Fun House which is just to the left of the Road Work Ahead sign!

Christmas at Graceland!

The decorations weren't as retro as I had hoped, but they were still fun!

I loved this because it reminded me of Mom and Dad's Christmas decorations.

And of course, Chicago, IL

The Chicago Christmas tree was not as spectacular as in years past, but I guess that is a sign of the economy.

Thankfully the Art Institute Lions were still sporting their wreathes!
I hope everyone reading this had a good Christmas.

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