Saturday, December 5, 2009

Playing With Dolphins

Baltimore's National Aquarium is usually ranked at the top of a list of best aquariums so it was a cannot miss for me. Now it just so happens that Monica, who is our dog handler, is friends with an animal trainer who happens to be friends with one of the dolphin trainers at the aquarium. So Monica arranged a field trip to the aquarium to see the dolphin show and meet the trainer. It turned out to be really fascinating because not only did he talk to us about the dolphins and how they trained them, he also walked around and told us about the fish and other exhibits.

View of the Aquarium from the Science Museum.

Monica got to be in the show and pet the dolphin.

Getting good pictures at a dolphin show is really difficult, but I think this one turned out okay.

The jellyfish exhibit was very cool.

I wish that this picture had turned out better. I really liked this dorky looking fish!

After the dolphin show we stood around and talked to the trainer (he is the one on the right end). Since we were with him they let us stay in the show area and watch the dolphins. Well Cassie being Cassie was trying to play with the dolphins by running up and down the length of the tanks. They were playing along somewhat until one just got annoyed and splashed his tail down on the water sending a wave right down on Cassie's head. It was priceless, and the best part is Mark was using his camera to video so the moment is preserved on video! From that moment on Cassie acquired the nickname, Darla (see Finding Nemo is you don't know who that is)!

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