Wednesday, December 30, 2009

It's Cold, eh

So this is my first time in Kitchener, and to mark the occasion they decided to give me that extra special Canadian type of cold weather. Now don't get me wrong. I am not really complaining. In fact it adds a note of authenticity to the whole experience of going to Canada in December. And frankly nothing could be worse than the time we went cross country skiing in -14 degree wind chills so take that Canada!

So far everything has gone well. Kitchener is a cute little town with plenty of places to eat. Yesterday I experienced my first Vietnamese submarine sandwich. Very tasty. There doesn't seem to be much to do that is of interest, but then again it is a bit too cold to go explore much. The Centre in the Square Theatre is a nice facility with a huge pit. In fact I would go so far as to say too big. I'll try to get a picture which shows what I mean. Our replacement drummer did a fine job last night, and she turns out to be a really nice, interesting person. The show itself was a bit rough given the week off, but hopefully we will redeem ourselves today.

So far so good. We'll see what today has in store, eh.

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