Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Disneyland Day 2

As much as I love looking at my pictures of Disneyland, I dread having to do a post about going to Disneyland. I end up wanting to put in so many pictures that it takes forever to create the post. And the bad news is that I have two more Disneyland days to go!

So for day 2 of my 4 day Disneyland pass, I went with Jeremy, Brett, and Julia.  I somehow only ended up with a couple of pictures of the others.  I know that we took other pictures, but it must have been with their cameras.

Brett is a roller coaster chicken so he took these pictures.  I assume we are in the ones below somewhere.

So you can't really tell, but those are Mickey shaped beignets.

After our day in Disneyland Jeremy, Brett, and Juila went back to LA, and I spent the night in Anaheim to repeat the process the next day!

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