Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Pensacola For A Night

After my all too recent experience with Beauty and the Beast in Chicago, one would think that I would not be willing to return so soon. Well not me. Since we were in Fort Wayne for just two days, I decided to drive out and then come back home for two reasons. First since I am a small and petty person, I really wanted get an advantage out of my layoff that those who were allowed to perform in Chicago would not get. What I came up with was to drive to Fort Wayne and then fly from Chicago to Pensacola, FL which was our next city. That way I avoided a two day bus trip. Second there was a show that I really wanted to see called Hephaestus which started performances in Chicago the week after Beauty was there.

Hephaestus is a show created by the Lookingglass Theatre which I had seen a few years ago. I absolutely loved it when I first saw it and missed my chance to see it again before it closed. The show is a combination of theatre, music, and amazing circus acts told thought the Greek myth of Hephestus. Lookingglass decided to revive the show for the summer so I was bound and determined not to miss it. Yes it was a hassle, but I am glad that I got to see it again!

My flight down to Pensacola was early in the morning (in fact one of the first flights of the day!), but thankfully I made it with no problems. Pensacola was our first one nighter of the Beauty and the Beast tour so I was not looking forward to it so much. I had never been to Pensacola before and because it was a one nighter I did not have a chance to explore at all. So what I have to document Pensacola are a bunch of pictures of the theatre. The Saenger Theatre is tiny, but not without its charm. (Well the building itself not the employees. The security staff at the theatre were not nice people!)

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