Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Baton Rouge...At Least We Had A Different Hotel

What to say about playing Baton Rouge a second time? Well we did not have a golden day in which to go visit New Orleans. We played more performances, but the theatre is still an exercise in blandness. It gave me a bit more time to explore downtown, not that there is anything there to be discovered. The only real difference was that we stayed in a much nicer hotel.

Radisson Hotels are sometimes hit or miss. As we pulled up to this hotel, I figured that we had a miss on our hands. Sure the building itself was very retro and painted to accentuate the cool retroness, but I figured that was just a facade to hide the horrors of the rooms inside. I was wrong. The hotel had the feel of a hip boutique hotel. The rooms were decorated in a fun modern style, and the bathrooms had those showers which shoot water at you from the entire length of the wall and from above just for good measure. In fact to took me forever just to figure out which knobs controlled which jets of water!

The rest of my Baton Rouge experience was not much different than my experience on The Wizard of Oz. As I looked through my pictures, I had deja vu. You probably will too!

The Old Court House was still old.

Downtown still only had a handful of places to eat. Although we did have very tasty pizza between shows and the most amazing dessert bread knots one can imagine!

The theatre was still boring.

Oh well. Not every tour stop is going to be exciting. At least we were in a cool hotel with no bed bugs!

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