Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Fort Wayne In The Spring

I have said it before, but I will say it again: the weather can totally alter my opinion of a place. When we played Fort Wayne with The Wizard of Oz, the weather was cold and rainy, and downtown Fort Wayne seemed like an empty desolate place. In April and with two days to explore, downtown Fort Wayne was more inviting for my return with Beauty. Fort Wayne will never be an exciting place to visit, but I did find some interesting things to do (and take pictures of).

The Old Courthouse

I really like this building, but it seems strangely out of place in Fort Wayne.

Art in Fort Wayne?!

This is a recreation of the fort for which Fort Wayne is named.

Right next to the theatre is a botanical garden. At this point, two of the other members of the orchestra had purchased new cameras so we started calling ourselves the Camera Club. Our trip to the botanical garden was one of our first outings. Here are some of my pictures.

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