After driving from Baton Rouge to Fort Myers (sigh) with a stopover in Tallahassee, we arrived on Tuesday for a week long engagement. This was my second time in Fort Myers. Fort Myers was my fourth tour stop on The Wedding Singer, and was also the site of my 100th show on that tour. I have many happy memories of playing Fort Myers with The Wedding Singer so it was interesting to return two years later with a different show. I have to say that I enjoyed myself, but I spent much of my time reliving my memories of that show.
Obviously the appeal of a place like Fort Myers for the average person is the proximity to the beach. I am not a huge fan of going to the beach. Body image issues aside, I do not enjoy really hot weather, and I just get bored really quickly. I did go to the beach once (coincidentally to the exact same spot as I went two years ago), and that was enough. Having crossed that off the list, my other extracurricular activities involved reliving my Wedding Singer experience. For Beauty and the Beast we stayed in a different hotel, so one day I walked out past our Wedding Singer hotel on the way to the mall. It may not sound like much, but it was a pleasant reminder of the beginning of my life as a touring musician.
Interestingly the one thing that I did not really find the time to do was take many pictures. So I really only have pictures of the Barbara B Mann Performing Arts Hall. Oh well!

This is my favorite type of palm tree.

This time around I walked through the campus of Edison State College where the Mann Hall is located. It isn't really very interesting.
Well I approve of two of the three.
The front side of the theatre is really difficult to photograph due to all the fauna.