Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Get Me The Hell Out Of Danville

If there is one lesson which life keeps trying to teach me, it is to not complain about my current situation because something worse is always just around the corner. Thus it was with Peoria. I complained about the lack of anything to do or eat in Peoria only to end up next in Danville, KY.

Now I think that I've given you a bit of a false impression. There were plenty of places to eat around our hotel. There was a Kmart (in which I saw Elvis working the electronics counter), Kroger, and several other places to shop. Our hotel had laundry machines which I took advantage of. The problem was the people. I try not to be to judgemental about people, but after witnessing the redneck version of Three Men and a Baby during breakfast I just couldn't help it. I knew that places like this existed in our country, but I guess that I never really wanted to admit that they did. We are talking redneck hicks in all of their bible thumping, gun toting, dirty children, WalMart shopping glory. We knew that it would not be a good scene when management went out of their way to warn us that Danville is in a "moist" county (meaning alcohol is only sold in restaurants)! I have never been so glad to be playing a one nighter in my life!

As for the theatre, the Norton Center is my third Frank Lloyd Wright designed theatre, and it is by far the most bizarre yet. It has the typical Frank Lloyd Wright touches: simple unadorned decoration of the house with ugly colors, interesting angles, etc. What it also has is the most inconvenient seating arrangement I have ever seen! What would be considered the orchestra level consisted of six rows of seats. The rest of the theatre was an elevated level that resembles a balcony, but not really. I wish this came through better in my pictures. I also wish that there had not been schmutz on my lens. What happened to my camera between Peoria and Danville I have no idea, but I only discovered the problem after we left the theatre. Oh well!

The next day we loaded up the bus, and got the hell out of Danville.

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