Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Competition

As I was exploring downtown Kansas City, I made a point of seeking out the theatres. Since we only had evening shows, I had hoped to see a matinee of something. Sadly nothing else was playing that week.

Kansas City Repertory is a well respected regional theatre, and of course they were producing interesting shows that I would have loved to see. Just not the week I was there.
This building is going to be the Kauffman Performing Arts Center. When it is finished it will be the home of the Kansas City Symphony, the Lyric Opera of Kansas City, and the Kansas City Ballet. The building looks like it is going to be pretty spectacular. I hope Beauty and the Beast plays a return engagement so that I can see it!

From the modern to the not modern, this is the Civic Center. The tours that do not have the privilege of playing outdoors in the 90 degree weather play here.

The Midland is an example of an old legitimate theatre being used for other purposes. In this case a concert venue.

I might not have noticed this little theatre had the building not been as pleasing as it is.

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