Monday, February 14, 2011

AT&T Performing Arts Center Winspear Opera House

The last time I was in Dallas (before Beauty) I was playing at Music Hall with The Wizard of Oz. Now Music Hall is not downtown, but I spent a fair amount of time exploring downtown. In my exploring I noticed a construction site for what was then called the Dallas Performing Arts Center. I could make out two different buildings. The first was what turned out to be the Wyly Theatre and was also the more complete of the two. The second building was this circular shiny red building that stuck up above the construction barricades. The red building totally captured my imagination and so I followed its progression as best I could via the internet. That building turned out to be The Winspear Opera House. Imagine how excited I was when I discovered that Beauty and the Beast would be playing there.

It is a bit hard to get a sense of just what a cool design the opera house is just from these pictures. Basically the shiny red part is the theatre itself. Surrounding it are glass walls that then make the lobby spaces. Now you might say, "But Texas is hot and the sun is brutal, how can they have glass walls?". Well that is the function of the shade canopy which sticks out past the glass box and blocks just enough of the sun to make the lobby comfortable. As I have said before, I really do not know much about architecture, but I know what I like. I love the Winspear Opera House!

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