Sunday, February 7, 2010

Columbia, SC

Columbia, South Carolina is next on my list of state capitals. Sadly I did not get the chance to see the capital building because our hotel was too far outside Downtown Columbia. Columbia is also next on my list of repeat cities for Beauty and the Beast so hopefully we will be staying closer to Downtown.

So what did I do in Columbia? I spent most of my time coughing. By the time we got to Columbia, I had no choice but to admit that what I had hoped was allergies was really a cold. Thankfully there was a Walgreens and Publix close to the hotel. I really felt terrible, and had much time to stew over the injustice of the fact that we musicians cannot take our sick days (well that is unless we had an arm severed or something!).

The theatre was on the campus of The University of South Carolina so the fact that I did not make a effort to walk around campus and take pictures shows how miserable I felt.

Occasionally I end up having annoying experiences with the locals at the theatres we visit. Columbia is one of those theatres. After our sound check and munchkin rehearsal, I took the above pictures then climbed over the pit wall to grab a program. There were no programs in the house so I walked out into the lobby area. Just outside the door was an usher with a box of programs so I asked her for one. She gave it to me and I was about to head back inside when a security guard stopped me. He gave me a lot of flack for not wearing my backstage pass. I mean really? I just walked out from the door to the auditorium, and the audience was still roped off from entering the area I was in. How could I not be a part of the production? Give me a break! I will be sure to glare at him if I see him again during Beauty and the Beast!

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