Sunday, February 14, 2010

Cadillac Ranch And A Huge Pair Of Legs

The Cadillac Ranch and the Huge Pair of Legs are two of the tackiest yet most fun examples of public art that exist. The Cadillac Ranch is basically a line of old Cadillacs buried at the same depth and the same angle to form a Stonehenge sort of effect. Over the years they have been graffitied so much that it has become a part of the experience to leave your mark.

There are empty spray paint cans everywhere!

Everyone did something a little different. Monica did her initials.

Kristen painted a rose.

Goin' for a spin.

This was my contribution. I'm not sure that it sold any extra tickets though!

As for the Huge Pair of Legs. Well they are just a huge pair of legs off the side of the interstate. I think that the man responsible for the Cadillac Ranch is also responsible for the legs. Unfortunately it is difficult to find much official information on the legs.

We weren't brave enough to hop the barbed wire fence to take pictures up close.

Apparently the socks are a fairly new addition.

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