Thursday, June 11, 2009

We're Off To See The Wizard

The best part of playing in Chicago is the proximity to most of my family and friends. Meaning that, I had a bunch of visitors see the show in Chicago at four of our eight performances. Thankfully, I remembered to pull out the camera each time. (Well almost every time)

Ever since Nate commented on the boyinthepit sweatshirt Mom wore in Pittsburgh for The Wedding Singer, it has become a thing. Now whenever Nate sees Mom he asks where the sweatshirt is. Little did he know what he was starting. This time we got the crazy green glasses incorporating pictures of both of us. Sadly, Nate is not returning to The Wizard of Oz next year. Whatever will Mom do?

The largest group come to the Thursday night show. (There was an advance discount code for that night!) From left to right it is Bryan, Amber, Mom, Zachary, Jennifer, Jamie, me, Dad, and Elsie. And actually there were four others there that night. They probably knew that there would be a picture so they ran off! Since it was Thursday night, everyone had to work the next day so we did not have time to go out afterwards.

My friend Tanya and her sister made the trip all the way out from Constantine Michigan. Afterwards we ran over to Elephant and Castle for some drinks.

Linda and Heather came to the 3pm Saturday show. Afterwards we ran over to Elephant and Castle for a little lunch. (Heather offered to take the picture)

Facebook is a crazy thing sometimes. One day I got a message from a former Round Barn alum telling me that she was going to be a dresser for Wizard in Chicago. I was very excited as I hadn't seen Laura in ages. So thankfully we had a bit of free time before the shows to catch up, but because of the crazy schedule we just did not have time to run out for a meal. Oh well. At least I got a picture!
Oh and the fourth visitor? Mom came back again for the Sunday morning show.

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