Monday, June 1, 2009

Rice University or what Yale should look like!

You have all probably guessed by now that I enjoy walking around college campuses. It takes me back to my days at IU and stirs up those feelings about actually going back to school. Then I see how young the students are and get slapped back to reality. (Even worse is hearing some of them talk about writing papers or taking tests!!!)

Located right next to the Hermann Park is Rice University. I really did not know much about the school, but I decided to poke my head in and have a look. Imagine my surprise when it turned out to be one of the most beautiful campuses I have ever seen!

In fact it took me back to my disappointing trip to Yale. It is amazing how Rice University looks more like Yale than Yale actually does. Well looks like my mental image of what Yale should look like. The urban sprawl surrounding Yale is so ugly and it is all so cramped!

This picture gives me hope that one day I could be a better photographer!

I wonder if this is modeled after someone, and if that someone is happy with the end result?!

If only more people realized that.

Ah college!

Their mascot is the owl.

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