Sunday, June 7, 2009

My Kind Of Town

When I first saw the tour itinerary, there was one stop that excited me more than any other: Chicago. I grew up seeing shows in Chicago so it has been a lifelong dream to eventually play a show in downtown Chicago. In fact as much as I do love New York, I would be just as happy making my living playing for the big shows in Chicago.

The Wizard of Oz presented me with my first chance to play Chicago. I wish that the specifics had been more ideal, but I decided to make the most of it. To begin with, I was not about to take the two day bus ride from Tallahassee up to Chicago so I booked a flight. In fact I think that more people chose to pay for flights instead of this bus trip than any other on the tour. I understand the cost of flying, but come on. Tallahassee to Chicago? Give me a break. Also we were saddled with the hateful "MSG" schedule. (Or in other words 8 shows in 4 days with three morning matinees!) On a good note originally we were booked to stay in Oakbrook, but thankfully they found us a downtown hotel! That commute would have been the death of me!
More than anything else though, I was most looking forward to playing at The Chicago Theatre. I have seen so many shows there over the years and actually getting to go through the stage door was like a dream. So here is my Chicago experience including the good, the bad, and the crazy!

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