Thursday, April 1, 2010

Put Your Hands Up For Detroit

Detroit is not one of my favorite cities to visit, but over the years I have seen a couple of shows there. In fact both of them were at The Fisher Theatre where we played with The Wizard of Oz so I was excited to return and experience the theatre as a performer.

The Fisher is a bit of an odd theatre in that it is inside of a large office building. Now there are many theatre that are a part of other buildings, but to get to the Fisher you actually have to wind your way around the Fisher Building to get to the theatre.

This entrance to the theatre seems to be the official entrance, but it is on the other side of the building from where the parking is. In fact I did not discover it until I was wandering around taking pictures.

Apparently at some point the theatre was completely redecorated. Above is a display of some decorations from the old version of the Fisher. As you can tell below, the current version is a bit different.

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