Monday, April 19, 2010

Boston For The Afternoon

Super Bowl Sunday occurred during our time in Providence. It was the Sunday before we opened, and originally we were supposed to have the day off. Well apparently a couple of hours of extra rehearsal was necessary so we lost our day off. My original plan for the day off was to take the train up to Boston and see the tour of Dreamgirls. Dreamgirls is a show that I have always enjoyed, and I know three people on that tour. Dreamgirls ended the following week, and because of our performance schedule with Beauty and the Beast, I wasn't able to make the trip to Boston before it closed. To help rub salt in the wound, we ended up leaving Providence on the Tuesday after Beauty closed so we had a free day in which I could have seen Dreamgirls had it not been a Monday and had the tour not closed.

I decided to visit Boston anyway. It seemed such a shame to be that close and not make the trip.

Another old Orpheum Theatre

There it was mocking me!
Since I couldn't see a show, I took more pictures of the theatres in Boston.

The Wang Theatre got a new marquee since the last time I was there.

War Memorial

Faneuil Hall (Still didn't have time to actually go inside)

This was my real reason for visiting. I had decided to eat at wagamama when I was going to see Dreamgirls. Well they can take Dreamgirls away from me, but I'll be damned if they take away my wagamama!

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