Wednesday, September 16, 2009

My Trip To Exotic Osh Kosh

One of the great things about working in the theatre is that you are constantly meeting new people and therefore you end up with friends in many different places. My friend Kristi worked at Amish Acres for a couple of years and then ended up moving back to Osh Kosh, Wisconsin. Since we had free time in Madison, I borrowed the rental car and drove up to pay her a visit.

I was very excited because I hadn't seen Kristi in years so we had much to catch up on. Of course we mostly talked about Scott and how he doesn't keep in touch with any of us!

After dinner we went to a local ice cream place / biker hangout. It was a good time sitting in the car eating our ice cream and people watching the bikers. Also just for kicks we tried to call Scott, and amazingly he actually answered! So it turned out to be a great little side trip. One that I hope to be able to repeat again in the not too distant future!

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