Wednesday, May 4, 2011


I have always been bad with dates so therefore I am really bad about remembering birthdays, anniversaries, and other important days. It is made worse by the fact that I live in an alternate reality on tour in which the real world ceases to exist. I often forget what city I am in so you can imagine how hopeless I am with remembering birthdays and such!

Thankfully I do have people to remind me of these things. In this particular instance it was my brother Jamie who brought up my parent's upcoming 40th wedding anniversary, and spearheaded plans for the event. Unfortunately I was not going to be around for the actual day so we made plans to have a surprise party at his house while I was on layoff. He invited a small group of friends and relatives, and I stalled Mom and Dad at their house until all was ready. I am proud to say that the event was a smashing success and they were actually surprised! Jenn and Jamie cooked up some great food, I bought some appropriately cheesy decorations, and the guests were all excited to be there and celebrate!

After an event such as that, I needed a vacation. Hawaii would suffice!

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