Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Butting In In Bloomington

Often when I visit my college friends, the subject of having a reunion in Bloomingtion comes up. Now I never need more than just the flimsiest excuse to go to Bloomington, but it is pretty rare that these plans ever actually happen. So I was sitting reading my facebook feed a couple of days before Labor Day, and I noticed my friends Lauren and Melissa were discussing the fact that they were both going to be in Bloomington. So after a bit of nosing around, they said that they were meeting for lunch on Labor Day and that I was welcome to join them if I wanted. That was all I needed to hop in the car for a road trip!

I met Melissa and Lauren and their respective families at The Trojan Horse for some saganaki and greek food. After lunch, Lauren needed to take her little boy Rhys home for a nap, but Melissa, Eric, and Emma were going for a photographic trip through the campus. I tagged along.

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