Friday, October 30, 2009

Worcester (or Woostah)

I wish that I could say Worcester is a fun little New England town with lots of interesting things to do. Alas it is not. Downtown Worcester is pretty dead. There are only a couple of restaurants (including the omnipresent Subway) otherwise there is not much else. The Hanover Theatre was recently renovated and the decoration of the house is very nice. The backstage areas are a nightmare though. There was one large dressing room that everyone but Dorothy and the dogs had to share. Awkward!

Here I go again. Pictures with the flash are dark with bad colors, and pictures without the flash are not focused and weird. Robert tells me a need a more powerful flash. I also need a more powerful bank account!

I did get some okay pictures of the lobby though.

The weather was fairly cool all week in Worcester, but I did not expect to leave the theatre on Sunday and walk into a snow storm. Sadly it was to warm for the snow to be anything but a wet mess.

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