Sunday, October 11, 2009

To Make A Long Story Short

Here are the highlights of my adventures (well the new ones):

This is the JFK Memorial. I passed by this several times last year and did not even know what it was.

At the top of my list of things to do, was to take the train over to Fort Worth and see the Kimball Art Museum.

I had read somewhere that the Kimbell is an excellent Modern Art Museum, and it did not disappoint. It would have been worth the trip just to see the building itself.

There is something about the piece below that really grabbed my attention.

I also went to the Crow Collection of Asian Art in Downtown Dallas.

The Crow had a very cool special exhibit but alas no pictures!

And finally some of us went to Six Flags Over Texas.

The picture above was my favorite ride in the park. Looks fun doesn't it!

At the end of the day people wanted to ride the Batman Ride one last time. Unfortunately I had my back sack with me and I was tired of paying to put it in a locker so I decided to wait while everyone rode the ride. Amazingly I was able to snap a picture of the group that did ride. If you look closely there are about 7 Wizard of Oz folk in the picture!

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