So what started as an innocent lunch in a Mexican restaurant, turned into an evening of luchador wrestling and puffy tacos!

Naturally when you walk into a restaurant and see a wrestling ring with (I am assuming fake) blood stains, certain questions get asked. It turns out this restaurant hosts a monthly luchador wresting contest, and after a little wheeling and dealing we were able to get them to stay open late for us and provide some wrestlers. In exchange, we showed up and ate and drank our faces off!

Their specialty is puffy tacos which are basically a taco a thick flour tortilla. (Think gordita from Taco Bell) I ate at least 3.

Sadly all my pictures are noisy (or blurry where there is action in the picture). Low light conditions, no flash, and a lack of understanding photographic principles led to this issue. Oh well!

The first match was between Margarita the Meter Maid and Grandma Chaos.

Sadly Margarita the Meter Maid won. Boo!

Mmm salsa!

The next match was between Lucho Dinero and The White Phoenix.

The White Phoenix won this match. Hurray!

After the two matches, the kids got their chance in the ring.

Satchel is Sebastian's younger brother who traveled with us for most of Sebastian's run. He was a really sweet kid, and the best moment of the night is when he gave Grandma Chaos a totally unprompted hug as they wheeled her off.

Oh the things I get into.

I can say without hyperbole that this was one of the best nights that I have had since I stated touring! Good food and margaritas, everyone having a good time, and luchador wrestling. Who could ask for anything more?!