Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Merry Christmas From Around The Country

Every year since I have been touring, I have made it a point to take pictures of the different Christmas decorations that I see. This year I saw some really impressive decorations, but since I went to places like Costa Mesa and New York I guess that is no surprise. Here is the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Costa Mesa, CA

El Paso, TX

Detroit Wayne Airport

Lafayette, LA

Birmingham, AL

New York, NY

Chicago, IL

Somewhat Close To Omaha

Sometimes in the world of touring, there are unfortunately times when our tour overlaps with other events. One of the most notable was booking The Wizard of Oz and the Ringling Brothers Circus at the same time in both spaces in Madison Square Garden. Well a similar thing happened for our week in Omaha. Beauty and the Beast was booked at the same time as the College World Series baseball tournament. Admittedly we probably did not lose much audience to the baseball games, the problem came in locating a hotel. Not only were we not able to stay in Omaha itself, we were not even able to stay in Nebraska. The closest affordable (well relatively affordable) hotel was in Council Bluffs, Iowa, and even then it was pretty dumpy.

My first visit to Omaha was worth putting up with the gross hotel though. The theatre in Omaha is a beautiful old Orpheum theatre. Downtown Omaha had some great architecture, and one of the traveling Bodies Exhibits. We had cars for the week so we also got to do some exploring and camera clubbing. And best of all, Omaha is where NETworks finally confirmed our upcoming engagement in Honolulu!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Omaha Orpheum

Next up on my tour of the old Orpheum vaudeville theatre circuit was the Orpheum Theatre in Omaha. This Orpheum may be my favorite so far although it is really hard to photograph. The color of the walls is so light and the light levels were so low that it took a lot of experimenting with my camera to find a decent setting. Even still the color varies too much in each picture.