Sunday, July 25, 2010

A Visit From Jim And Jeremy

No tour visit to Florida would be complete without making my friends Jim and Jeremy drive out of their way to come see my show. With Beauty and the Beast the out of the way location was Daytona Beach. Actually Jim and Jeremy live in Orlando so the drive to Daytona was not so bad for them. They saw the show Monday night and then spent the night in Daytona so that we could hang out the next day.

We could not come up with anything very exciting to do in Daytona Beach itself so we drove a little south to the Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse.

I am not exactly a lighthouse buff, but the Ponce de Leon is the tallest lighthouse in Florida. Visitors can pay to climb a million stairs to the top so of course we did!

The views were quite nice.

Looking towards Daytona Beach.

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