Friday, June 11, 2010

Just When I Thought Things Couldn't Get Worse...

My Grandmother died on Friday March 26th. I had been lounging in bed feeling bad for myself due to the whole not playing in Chicago thing when I got the call from my Mother. Needless to say it was a shock, and helped to put my small problems in life into perspective. Her death was a surprise to all of us. In fact I had been home for 4 days at that point and somehow managed to not get around for a visit. Sadly you can't turn back time. Thankfully she passed quickly which is the way that she would have wanted it to be. (Well maybe not the exact locale!)

She was the last of my Grandparents, and I will very much miss going to visit her.

She would not have wanted a funeral so we had a dinner in her honor with a few friends and family. Mom found a few choice artifacts to decorate with such as the above chamber pot.

Now there is a motley team!

I decided to take a few pictures of interesting things around her house.

I just can't resist when eating extra large olives. (Which was coincidentally her first name, Olive!)

Sure go ahead and flaunt your bigger lens!

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