Monday, May 24, 2010

Owensboro In The Daylight

Owensboro was far from being my favorite city on Wizard of Oz. In a way that is unfair as we only played one performance and our hotel was actually in Evansville. So I really did not get to experience the city much. On Beauty and the Beast, we did actually have a hotel in Owensboro, and I took advantage of that to go exploring with my new camera.

I had read somewhere about the world's largest sassafras tree so imagine my excitement when I just happened upon it as I walked to the theatre!

There was a surprising amount of public art in Owensboro including this buffalo.

This little theatre looked interesting although it is not where Beauty and the Beast played!

On the Ohio River

These reindeer were actually out on display the last time I was at the River Center.

Although it is not on my list of places that I would like to return to visit, Owensboro is not so bad especially when you are actually staying there!

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