Sunday, March 7, 2010

Welcome to Lubbock (Don't Mind The Dust Storm!)

From the moment we turned into the hotel parking lot in Lubbock, I knew that I wasn't going to like Lubbock. There was a giant Wal Mart across the street and the sky outside was yellow because Lubbock was experiencing a dust storm. That did not stop me from walking to the theatre, but you can bet that I was cursing Texas the whole time. Thankfully we got into town on Friday and left Sunday morning so I did not have to suffer long.

There really is not much to Lubbock. Well at least the area that we were staying in. Our hotel was actually on Avenue Q (insert theatre nerd joke here!). The hotel was close enough to downtown for me to walk around and explore.

Sadly I only found two interesting things downtown. Firstly this little theatre.

The other interesting thing was something that I already knew about, but it would have become more and more obvious the closer I got to it had I not known.

The sidewalk bricks with engraved with Buddy Holly song titles and the street named after him could only mean one thing...

a giant pair of Buddy Holly glasses! I did not have time to go in the Buddy Holly Center, but I have a feeling it is less interesting than Graceland. Just a guess.

As for our theatre, it was on the campus of Texas Tech University.

I assume that this is a Red Rider?! (Well a bronze one at least)

To continue with the theme of my experience with Lubbock it turns out that the City Bank Auditorium is probably the ugliest theatre I have played thus far.

The outside looks fine, but it disguises the horrors waiting inside.

Asbestos on the way to the pit.

Dead bugs

And the ugliest theatre ever!!

In fact the theatre was so ugly that I had a nose bleed during the show (well the dust storm, asbestos, and dead bugs might have contributed too)!

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